ITN Magazine


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Interview With Leslii Sanders From Prophets of Addiction 

ITN Magazine: Let's talk a little about the history of your band. When did you originally form?  Do you remember how the idea of forming the band first came up?


Lesli: Well in reality I was writing many of the songs while still living in Hollywood struggling with my addictions. Songs of remorse, regrets and wanting to escape what had become of me. After living in Hollywood for 18 years it was time to head home and get my life back on track. After doing so and after a few years passed it was time to rock, time to get serious and do this, the year was 2010.


ITN Magazine: How long after you formed was it until you played your first live show?


Lesli: Was shortly after we finished the first recording “Babylon Boulevard” We were down in Hollywood working on the mixes with Phil Soussan and played a show in Hollywood while there.


ITN Magazine: What are your memories of the performance?


Lesli: It was great was the first time I had played sober in many years. Also remember looking into the crowd and seeing many of my friends even the guys crying as they watched proudly me back to playing after overcoming my demise to addiction and back to being myself the person whom they had befriended to begin with. Although there was a lot of work to still be done they could see this time was not a farce.


ITN Magazine: How would you categorize the style of the band?


Lesli: That's not for me to decide as I just do what I have always done. Trust me it's never been about money. I will continue to devote my life to this, it's me. If a category exists for nothing planned and just being myself trying to find others that fit that category then there you have it. My desire and 100% dedication to this is what creates animosity as with any relationship a 100% commitment from all sides would be a dream come true.


ITN Magazine: What image do you want your music to convey to your fans?


Lesli:  I believe I mentioned that in the above with just doing what I do. But for sure the music needs to come first. And I’m still searching and trying to get that right. I think I have a long ways to go. And hope to surround myself with those one day to help me accomplish that.


ITN Magazine: Who are your influences and how have they shaped your bands sound?


Lesli: That's tough cuz what I first thought was cool has changed a lot over the years. I don't think I realized the beauty of it all. I used to be influenced by the wrong ideals both musically and with lifestyle choices and priorities. But of course I love the Ramones the realness of the whole thing. Cheap Trick, Hanoi Rocks, Dogs D’Amour, and on and on.


ITN Magazine: Let's talk a little about your latest album what are the listeners in store for with this release ?


Lesli: It's just a stripped down record that really allows the stories to be told, the lyrics to be heard and the instrumentation just accompanies that well. It's a aural experience that I hope the listeners enjoy. It does rock in its own way, but not in the way that most are accustomed to. I think that once a person devuldges themselves into the music it will be lost upon the fact that there are no drums.


ITN Magazine: Where did record your latest release at?


Lesli: We tracked everything in Tacoma, WA at the Whine Cellar with Ty Mcdonald.


ITN Magazine: Producers are a very important factor in recording a good

record. Who did you use to produce your record?


Lesli: On this record I produced it myself as well as bouncing idea off of Glenn and Ty of course.


ITN Magazine: Does the entire band contribute to the writing process?


Lesli: I would really hope it was that way, but these day it seems it's hard to get guys in a room and really do that. On this recording Glenn and I did bounce several ideas off of each other and develop parts together so that was nice. That would be a great concept that I am really hoping happens with the next rock record we do get guy sin a room and see if magic can occur. But it takes time to do that and countless hours which it seems people aren't always down for these days.



ITN Magazine: How do you feel the band has evolved musically and personally over the last year?


Lesli: I've been doing this so long that I don't think much has evolved over the past year that hasn't already happened but I can tell you this my passion for it has never wavered. It is my life and it's not for money that is for sure. To this day I live it, it's what I do and have sacrificed all in the name of this.


ITN Magazine: Favorite memory from a show you’ve played or a place you’ve traveled to?


Lesli: I love it all, but have been fortunate to do tours of Japan, Australia, Europe, USA, Canada.


ITN Magazine: Favorite song of yours you’ve written?


Lesli: C’mon that's a tough one I've written hundreds of them, but I would say it will be the next one...HA


ITN Magazine: Favorite song of yours that you like to play live?


Lesli: That's a really good question, and i'm trying to think about that. I don't seem to have a answer. I just love to be up there and giving it my all.


ITN Magazine: Where do you draw the inspiration for the songs you write?


Lesli: Life, if you live it, the lyrics will come. Musically I just start strumming til it sounds cool.


ITN Magazine: How important do you rate the lyrical side of your albums?


Lesli: SUPER important and I think its a lost art, I really do not think most lyric are very intriguing. What's in a lyric is not always what it seems. I love it people describe my lyrics sometimes and in reality they are quite far off. That girl I speak of or so they say is really not a girl at all for example.


ITN Magazine: What are your current tour plans, if any?


Lesli: My dad has stage 4 cancer and for the first time in my life I am not putting music first. I have devoted my life currently to helping him and my mom. Touring is currently on hold. I put my parents through hell for many years and now it's time for me to help them, be there for them and make this as easy as I can for them. It's about them.


ITN Magazine: Describe your live performance for those who have never seen you live?


Lesli: what can I say, it's not an act, What you see is what you get and I hope they would enjoy it as much as I do being there.


ITN Magazine: Getting radio airplay and support is important for a any band, What is your view on that?


Lesli: Sure I wish I could get more, would love any opportunities. And appreciate the ones I have been given over the years.


ITN Magazine: Do you see as we do that most local radio rarely support the up and coming new bands and even more local bands just starting out?


Lesli: To be honest with you I can't even remember the last time I listened to any music on the radio. I didn't like the music they played on the radio many years ago and I surely don't like it now. But more to the point of your question it was far and few that supported up and coming acts. In the old days a DJ much like a news reporter their whole goal was to break an act let the world in on someone they discovered or a story they uncovered. Now it is just follow the corporate playlist and do as your told.


ITN Magazine: What do you think of the music industry right now?


Lesli: I’m pretty out of touch with it actually as I have mentioned I just do what I do and have no illusion of “Making it” HAHA. Those dreams died with the countless nights of sleeping on rehearsal room floors. And doing whatever it takes.


ITN Magazine: Tell us about your thoughts on your local music scene?


Lesli: It has become just as they describe it a bunch of “Projects”


ITN Magazine: How has Social Networking (Facebook,Twitter, etc.) impacted your band?


Lesli: It's a necessary evil, but it sure has taken away the drive to be out every single night of the week promoting. I wish I could figure out a better way to get the message out and be more personal.


ITN Magazine: Where can our readers find you on the web?


ITN Magazine: What equipment is the band using and do you have any endorsements currently?


Lesli: Yes I officially endorse Orange Amplification, Gibson, Jim Dunlop, Peterson Tuners, Seymour Duncan, Monster Cable, EV, Ebtech. I want to thank all of those companies for being so accommodating to me over the years.


ITN Magazine: Thanks for answering these questions. Do you have any last comments for our readers?


Lesli: Thank you so much for having me, I really appreciate it more than you know. And to anyone that cares and listens to the music thank you.

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